Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Digital Video Resume Introduces

Digital Video Resume Introduces Innovative State of the Art Resumes to Consumers

By Anonymous

After months of development, and thousands of creative hours later, Digital Video Resume is proud to introduce the next generation in Resume Industry. Our business is dedicated to college students and recent graduates and recently dislocated professionals. Our goal is to provide a service to meet the unmet needs to the employment market. We offer:

* Digital Video Resume in Macromedia Format with Digital Video Recording: Where Consumers can have a professional personalized video resume as well as a professional format printable resume.

***Grand Opening Special***

15% Discount to all College Students and Recent College Graduates

15% Discount to all Dislocated Professionals since September 11, 2001

Digital Video Resume was created to resolve the existing deficiencies afforded to Consumers and Employers. Consumers can now “selectively distribute their State of Art digital resume”, while Employers can now “consolidate their recruiting efforts, and control and eliminate redundant costs”.

Digital Video Resume was created the Digital Umbrella Group. We encourage you to visit us and see for yourself, how the dream of enhanced technology turned into Digital Video Resume, and afforded the world a new and unique opportunity to find a job.

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