Wednesday, October 10, 2007

New website provides

New website provides "tools for success" for indie video producers, small video businesses.

By Anonymous

Popular marketing author and consultant Steve Yankee Steve Yankee is back in the video business promotion and marketing game in a big way.

Yankee, well-known in the video production industry for his popular “Master Video” series of instructional tapes, books, special reports and magazine publications aimed at helping independent video makers and small video business grow and profit, has recently launched as a home for his new free weekly ezine, a library of helpful articles for videographers, and for his newly-revised “Master Video” programs and books.

“For several years, I’ve been deeply involved with freelance copywriting and consulting for non-video related businesses, leaving the sales of my instructional materials to others,” said Yankee. “But in the past couple years, I’ve had an increasing number of requests to get back in the informational field. And frankly, I’ve missed the day-to-day contact with video producers from around the world. The industry has always been my first love.”

A critical factor in his decision, says the award-winning producer and writer, is the emergence of low-cost digital technology. “The rapid acceptance of digital video hardware and formats and the accessibility of home computer-based non-linear editing systems is a mixed blessing. On one hand, anyone with a dream and a couple thousand dollars can create near-broadcast quality video. On the other hand, established houses are fighting to retain customers to keep their operations profitable, and their doors open. Nowadays, both segments of the video industry need to wear two hats; their producer’s beret AND their marketer’s derby. I’m here to help them with the marketing they need to stay in business.”

Over the past few months, Yankee revamped his entire product line, deleting some programs entirely (“Most of these were far too technically dated to save,”) significantly revising and updating others, including his popular “Master Video Marketing Course,” and wrote three new books for video makers. In addition, he launched a free weekly ezine, Video Success News, which now reaches over 750 subscribers, wrote and edited nearly two dozen articles on marketing and advertising-related topics, and created the new website for video producers and business owners to access information and programs to enhance their skills and profits.

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